Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

It's been a while since your boy was on the keyboard but now he's back in action. Firstly, my apologies to my avid readers. So, sorry to my lovely motha and my boy Twill Burger. All that aside, let's get down to business...

I wouldn't say this thought just occurred to me but I will say that I have had to think about it a little more as of late.

Have you ever met somebody and upon first glance, you are hooked? You just know you are going to feel this person. Yeah, they look real good, got that cute little smile, and that just "oh boy!". If you have the privilege of meeting this person, you go through your standard Q&A.

Where ya from?
Where do/did you go to school?
Hobbies, Interests, Siblings, Pets, etc. etc.

Now this is all fine and gravy but in my opinion, one key element is missing: RELATIONSHIP STATUS

I don't know if you have been in this position before but it is a serious blow when you find out weeks later that your crush is currently occupied. All this time you had no idea. You have been conducting business under the impression there was a 'Inquire Within' sign; not a 'Sorry, Closed' one. You have put in some serious flirting and chivalry only to find out that some other person is where you want to be.

Now, it isn't that bad if the flirting and chivalrous ways come natural. Hopefully, if you played your cards right, you haven't done anything to drastic, obvious, or over the top that would result in some long term damage. But, it is tough when you have been under the impression that your potential honey is free only to have your heart (temporarily) broken.

As a result, I put this declaration onto you, my dear reader:

Spectacular Decree Number 1

From this point forth, both males and females of the dating age (consult your State Laws and/or parents for precision) shall state their current relationship status within the first 7 minutes of conversation with a person(s) they have just met.

This way, people know right off the bat what the deal is. They can alter their approach or change tactics if need be.

Now, you just don't want to throw it out there: "Hi, I'm Roxanne, I have a boyfriend and I love Thai Food" Woah woah woah, slow your role their Rox! Ease it into the convo. If sports comes up and your significant other plays/played, drop it then. If the person you just met is from the East Coast and your partner went to school out that way, there you go.

Now, for some, knowing you are in a relationship won't stop them at all. Hell, it might even make them pursue you harder. However, it is a good thing to establish so others don't have to deal with the pain that comes with learning it a little ways down the road. Knowing this might not make you like your crush less but it will take care of the feeling when your hopes, after being built up on numerous occasions , come crashing down.

I am NOT speaking from experience. Trust me.

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